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Home Aktualności Nuclear power: the best support for renewables?

Nuclear power: the best support for renewables?


The push for an ever higher share of energy sourced from RES will not go without the need to supplement its levels with that from other resources. This is leading to a renewed interest in nuclear power as part of a new energy future.

If EU member states want to continue to rely on this energy source and exploit its potential for low-carbon energy generation, including, for example, hydrogen production, it is necessary to invest resources in innovative technologies not only for RES, but also to continue to invest in key research and innovation in nuclear energy, such as regarding safety standards. Is there a chance for a unified nuclear strategy at the European level?

In the era of RES, it’s obvious that these energies need to be combined. – Philippe Crouzet began. With rising energy demand, where France has been conducting studies on projections for future consumption and growth has been underestimated, and with the demand resulting from the decarbonization process, this combination is essential. This is also due to the large expenditures on technology or the extraction of rare metals. Using France as an example, the demand for metals makes it afeasible to source 100% of energy from RES. – he said.

In response to Krzysztof Księżopolski’s question about concern over the dangers of nuclear energy production, Tadeusz Lesiak said that it is necessary to rely on proven technologies. At the same time, he admitted that the risks associated with the systems are extremely small. The increase in safeguards in new generations of reactors has been raised qualitatively to a level comparable to technologies in the space industry. The moderator asked, since Poland is a frontline country, does the issue of Russian activities in nuclear power plants change the outlook and therefore “super-security” is necessary? In Lesiak’s view, the systems at the plants are separable and the plants are capable of surviving missile attacks. Therefore, in Poland, construction based on American or French technologies should be pursued, with Poland “not to come out in front of the orchestra” and should start with small modular reactors.

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